First in Europe, now we are landing in Latin America

Alibaba Cloud and Data Area have signed an agreement to bring all the power of the best cloud in the world to Latin America.



Alibaba Cloud. More than just Cloud!

Alibaba Cloud, established in 2009, provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, from start-ups and corporations to government organizations. Alibaba Cloud is the Worldwide Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee, providing best-in-class cloud computing infrastructure and cloud services to help the Olympic Games operate more efficiently, effectively, and securely.


Global Ecosystem
Inclusive Technology
Asia Pacific's No.1 Cloud Provider

Products and Solutions

Alibaba Cloud's products and solutions include large-scale computing, storage resources, security, big data analytics, and ET Brains that enable your business and industry to reach the next level.

Global Availability

Alibaba Cloud has 59 availability zones across 19 regions globally and have formed collaborations with world leading technology brands including Accenture, Deloitte, Docker, Intel, NVIDIA, PCCW, SAP and Samsung SDS.